Tuesday, March 8, 2011

True Life: Im Searching For My BirthParents

Well its been a little while again, but this is a "note" I wrote on FB. Its ALL the information that I know about my roots. I encourage you to read this and think, if it even sounds remotely like anyone you know, please show this post to them, give them the info, ask them about it or tell me. Any help I can get at this point will help. I figure that Palm Beach is small in relation to everyone knowing everyone. I was born in Palm Beach Gardens, FL on April 3, 1988. I know its a long shot, but if you know anyone that lived in that area around that time or before, please please share this with them. Like I said, any and all help is appreciated. To everyone who reads this, shares, it or simply is just curious... THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart!

-- Ashley

As many of you know.. I am adopted & have been searching for my birth parents. I was adopted through Catholic Charities when I was a month old to my current adoptive parents, in 1988. To summarize ( more details in past posts) They located my birth mother when I started the search, and sent her a letter to ask for her permission to give me info about her, and give her my location. Over a year and several letters later... she has yet to respond. Ive been wanting for the social worker to contact my father, and shes always hesitated. They say they dont usually contact the father, bc they are not sure if he is the correct father or if he knows. I convinced her to start the search for him.. so thats where I am now. Im not gonna get my hopes but, but I guess I am somewhat hopeful he will respond, it might be easier for him to accept the idea, and want to meet me. Ive been let down before so I try not to get excited.

Today has been an emotional day, and has showed me not only how blessed I am, but also motivated me to push harder on this journey. Ive been wanting to take this step for a while, but like Ive said before, it is emotionally draining, and I sometimes tend to avoid it . But today is the day.

PLEASE Help me by re-posting the following info, ESPECIALLY if you are from, live in, or have ANY connections to  PALM BEACH COUNTY. I was born at Palm Beach Gardens Hospital and there is a strong possibility that my parents are still in the area, or at least from there and have family there. I am going to post the non identifying information that I have about my father and his family. If this sounds even remotely like ANYONE that you know, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this along to them, or their name along to me. Please, as of now going through the social worker is not working .. so I am taking things into my own hands.
As you read this, please try to think if you know anyone that fits any parts of this description, him, his mother, father, or siblings. This is SO important to me and I am so thankful of your help !! Please feel free to re-post anywhere you think may help.

My Birth Information:
Born April 3, 1988 at 11:27pm
6lbs. 10 ozs
19 inches

Natural Father:
Height: 5’11
Weight: 197
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Lt. Brown
Age at time of my adoption ( April 3, 1988) 23
Religion: Baptist
Ethnic Background: Black
Education:  High School
Vocational Training: Military Police
Hobbies: Music, sports
Health: Good

Paternal Grandmother ( His mother)
Height: 5’5
Weight: 125
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Light
Age at time of my adoption ( April 3, 1988): 60
Nationality: Black
Education:  12th grade
Health: Good

Paternal Grandfather ( His father)
Height: 6’3
Weight: 249
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Dark
Age at time of my adoption ( April 3, 1988) 67
Nationality: Black
Education:  High School
Health: Good

Siblings ( My father’s)
Sister : 42 years old ( at time of my birth)
Height: 5’3
Weight: 160
Eyes:  Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Tone
Age at time of my adoption ( April 3, 1988) 42
Education:  12 grade
Health: Fair
*Epilepsy since an accident

Brother:  38 years old at time of my birth
Height: 5’10
Weight: 140
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Dark
Education: 2 years college
Health: Good

Brother: 36 at time of my birth
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Dark
Education: 12th grade
Health: Good

Sister:  23 years old at the time of my birth
Height: 5’4
Weight: 115
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complex: Light
Education: 4 years college
Employment: Computer Programmer
Health: Good

I wasnt going to post my mothers info.. but it cant hurt

Natural Mother
Height: 5’6
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Complex: Fair
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School and Vocational training
Ethnic Background: Irish-Dutch-Scotch
Hobbies: Outdoor sports
Heath: excellent

Maternal Grandmother ( Her mother)
Height: 5’8
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Complex: Medium
Nationality: American
Education: 4years
Employment: Teacher ( possibly palm beach county ??)
Health: Good
Age at time of my birth ( April 3, 1988) : 46

Maternal Grandfather ( her father)
Height: 5’8
Weight: 205
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Complex: Fair
Nationality: American
Education: College – Masters Degree
Employment: Executive
Health: good
Age at time of my adoption: 45

Maternal Great Grandmother ( her grand mother- mother’s mother)
Height: 5’5
Weight: 155
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Gray
Complex: Medium
 Nationality: American
Education: 4 years college
Health: good
Age at time of my adoption: 70  

Great Grandfather: deceased

Great Grandmother ( Her grandmother – father’s mother)
Height: 5’4
Weight: 108
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Complex: fair
Nationality: American
Education: 1 year college
Health: Good
Age at time of my adoption: 65

Great Grandfather ( her grandmother- father’s father) Deceased

Mother's Siblings:

Height: 5'10 
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Auburn ---> Where I get my red hair!
Complex: medium
Education: college
Health: good
Age at time of my adoption: 19

Height: 4'11   
Weight: 130
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Complex: Fair
Education: Jr. High
Health: Good
Age at time of my adoption: 12

From the information I have, I suspect that my mother's family may be wealthy or at least not struggling.. They had masters degrees and everyone in her family had a college education, which wasnt as common as it is today.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, pass this along, post on your friends' pages, websites, send links, etc. Everyone one in Palm Beach knows each other, by passing this along you are helping my chances in finding my birth parents, increase.

Thank you !!!!!!!!